
Under the humanitarian guise, the Azerbaijani authorities, drawing up fake lists, represents the entire territory of Armenia as Azerbaijan.

Under the humanitarian guise, the Azerbaijani authorities, drawing up fake lists, represents the entire territory of Armenia as Azerbaijan.

With the direct coordination of the Azerbaijani authorities, targeting Armenia, within the framework of the absolutely false concept of “Western Azerbaijan”, special lists of coordinating people for the so-called “Western Azerbaijan” returnees were drawn up.

In those lists, the names of the cities and villages of Armenia are represented by false Azerbaijani names.

This is actually a military-political program of the Azerbaijani government with an attempt is to give it a humanitarian character to hide the new territorial ambitions and threats to the Republic of Armenia. Moreover, it is not about 1 or 2 communities, but about the entire territory of Armenia. as they say, 29,800 sq. km.

It is especially noteworthy that before the 2020 44-day war, the term “West Azerbaijan” was almost not used in Azerbaijan.

This new term with its concept was developed and circulated especially in 2022.

Moreover, officials in Azerbaijan are already talking about some kind of first stage of return and about 300,000 people.

All this should be considered as part of the fascist Armenophobic policy of the Azerbaijani authorities, which in fact has nothing to do with peace and is being implemented in the conditions of the ongoing Azerbaijani animosity.

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